Thursday, April 17, 2008

American Author thesis proposal

Since we have started with the American Author project, I already decided the books that I would be reading form her, which was: Crank, Glass & Impulse. During this whole time I was enjoying to read her book just because I love what the books are about and I love her style that she writes in, how she could be describing something like it were to be a part of your life.
After reading some of her background life and also the little author notes that she puts in the book, I could get why she choices the topics for her books. The first two were about her daughter’s life; she says that she didn’t write her story but the book was inspired of her life and what precisely she went through with all her decisions and consequences that she had made in her life and where do bad habit’s get you. Her other book Impulse was inspired by her other daughters life and the way that she helped kids that wanted to end their lives.
Like I mentioned before what I really like about my author is the way that she writes. Because I know that every book does this as well but I just seem to like the way that she does it, she describes everything that happens in a scene, she gives us what is the main character thinking at all times and what she feels for every one that is in her life. I like the way that she has this one party girl in her story and how she seems to always have a new love in her life and how you could just tell that all that one girl wants is for someone to love her, make her feel special. And how she would just put everything on the side just for him.
As I was getting to read Impulse which was a different story, it was kind of confusing at first but then I got the hang on it. Since she likes to let people know the main characters thoughts, in that book there are three main characters and if you don’t pay that close of attention it’s hard to figure out who is she is talking about. But since it’s a story she can’t say one person’s story after the other so she has these chunks in the book were she just talks about one person and then how they saw each other and then she transitions to start talking about that person’s life.
As for my paper I would like to write about how my author writes and what exactly is that I like about it and how she could describe a scene. I could also talk about the book reviews and blog’s that I have seen talking about her books and how the books change their lives and make them think in a different way. Also where she get her inspiration from and how she comes up with these grea

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like how you are making the parallel between her stories and her life. That will be interesting in your paper. I also like how you talk about why her writing is genuine, real and life-like. You can do a lot with a topic / thesis like that. Keep up the good work.