Friday, March 28, 2008

Thesis Blog #2

"The Monster loves to talk. He jumps into your head and opens your mouth, making uou spout your deepest darkest deceptions. Making you say all the things you'd rather not say, at least not in mixed company."(183)I like the way that my author writes because she uses other words to describe something. In this passage she uses Monster to replace crank, I also like the way that she can describe something. Something that is distinctive about my author is the way that she writes, she mostly makes every other page a new chapter, and what she names the chapter goes along with the story. What I have read was this little girl named Kristina Georgia that had been living with her mom, stepdad, brother and sister she is a good daughter and a good student. She never really see's her dad, so when she went over her dad's for her summer vacation it changed her life. Her dad does crank and because her living there and with all those different people there especially the guy that she likes Adam encourage her to try some. For my paper I could write about how my author from personally experience and from her stories how she feels about crank. Or I could also write about how Kritina chenged her lifesyle and how she changed her name to Bree because of her new lifestyle.

pages 1-109

Thursday, March 13, 2008

American Author Proposal

Jessica Hernandez
Block B
Writing Assignment #6: American Author Proposal
I would like my American author to be Ellen Hopkins. The main thing that draws me to her is just the way she writes her books. She writes her books that mostly every other page is a new chapter, but she is also a very interesting writer because even though she has a new chapter in every other page. She writes her story so that it could make sense and that even though it is a new chapter you can’t even notice because she doesn’t start off with a new topic. It makes you think that the whole book is one super long chapter. Even though I have only read one book of hers called Crank it was really good and now I am stating to read her other book which is like a continuation of Crank its called Glass.
Ellen Hopkins does meet the criteria for the American Author project. She is an American meaning that she was born in Carson City , Nevada . Even though her writing is in poems it is also fiction I still believe that she meets the requirements because the stories that she tells are very dramatic and makes you just want to keep reading her books because you get into the story that you just want to know what’s going to happen next. Ellen Hopkins has written enough books so that I can meet the reading requirements she has written four books Crank, Glass, Impulse and Burned and they are all very long. Ellen Hopkins has related to a lot of young peoples lives and makes them think about things twice before they go and do something that isn’t smart. She was being interviewed and said that I write about books that other authors don’t want to look at.
Ellen Hopkins makes a lot of real good books and with a very good interesting topic. I am sure that I could make a thesis-based argument. She makes a lot of big points in the books that she writes about. And also the other people that are involve with the story that she is writing. Even though that they might be in the story for a little while it will still make you think about what was that person thinking about. There are also different perspectives that are in the story as well. I also think that in her first book Crank is a really good book to do this because it’s about a really important issue that people don’t seem to look at. Drug addictions, but it is also interesting how that one trip to her fathers could turn that one perfect daughter into a bad girl with a bad addiction. And how that has changed her life and even though she knows that, she had to switch her name because she thought that her old name couldn’t handle it.
Well I would like to read Crank, Impulse and Glass I’m not so sure yet if I should read Burned because that is a lot of reading but I might, I am not too sure yet. The order of the way that I would be reading her books will be, first I would read Crank even though I already read it but that was a long time ago so I would like to re-read it so that I can re fresh my memory about that book. Then I would read Glass so that I can know what happens after Crank, with that crazy girl’s life. Then last I would read Impulse so that I could get a different kind of story of hers but still in the same way, from what I have heard of that book it seems really good and just as interesting as her other books. But with this one it’s more like what happens in three of the lives of these young people and even tough everything might seem right it’s really not and how all three of them got a second chance in life. The reason why I would read her books in this order is because the first book that she written was Crank her second book wasn’t Glass but I would read that next just because that book is the second part of Crank. Then finally I would read Impulse just because it sounds like a really good book. And if I do read Burned I would read that last.