Friday, March 28, 2008

Thesis Blog #2

"The Monster loves to talk. He jumps into your head and opens your mouth, making uou spout your deepest darkest deceptions. Making you say all the things you'd rather not say, at least not in mixed company."(183)I like the way that my author writes because she uses other words to describe something. In this passage she uses Monster to replace crank, I also like the way that she can describe something. Something that is distinctive about my author is the way that she writes, she mostly makes every other page a new chapter, and what she names the chapter goes along with the story. What I have read was this little girl named Kristina Georgia that had been living with her mom, stepdad, brother and sister she is a good daughter and a good student. She never really see's her dad, so when she went over her dad's for her summer vacation it changed her life. Her dad does crank and because her living there and with all those different people there especially the guy that she likes Adam encourage her to try some. For my paper I could write about how my author from personally experience and from her stories how she feels about crank. Or I could also write about how Kritina chenged her lifesyle and how she changed her name to Bree because of her new lifestyle.

pages 1-109

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