Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thesis Blog #5

Well I just finished my first book and I noticed that my author has a way with her words. I love the way that she writes and I love what she writes about, to me her books are very interesting and make me just wanting to read more, unlike how some other books could just make me want to go to sleep.
To me this story jst got more intersting, now Kristina is turning 17 and she is going to party big with her love Chase and Crank. She is so excited for her birthday celebration and can't wait. Her and Chase "make love" that day and they both took it as something special. Then Kristina finds out that she is pregnant and she tells Chase and you could tell that he was getting kind of happy because he thought that the baby was his. But then Kristina tells him that its not his and that it's Bredan's. Chase really took that in a good way, because even though he wasn't the father he asked Kristina to marry him and that he would take care of her and her baby. But Kristina told him that it was better if he went to go follow his dream and go to California. Even though Kristina knows that she is having a baby she knows that she needs to stop her addiction but she knows that it's not going to be something easy.

pages 379-537

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