Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thesis Blog #7

For my paper I would most likely pick the way that my author writes and how she writes that catches my attention and what precisely do I like about her writting, the stlye that she uses. As for the theme that she has mainly talk about I could make my paper about two different kinds of lust, one that you get for a man and another one that you get for desire and needs.
From my last post I have read about one of those lusts that Kristina gets for a man and her needs, They one boy that she has meet since she had a kid and she feels something really strong for him Trey. As for her need the one thing that she desires every day glass(crank) and now she has them both together becaus of Trey her getting her drugs are more easier because Trey's cousin has that. I thought that she would have a different kind of lust one that should be the best thing in the world the relantionship between a baby and a mother but it seems like she is not so deticated to that. She prefers those other two thing then her baby.

pages 201-344

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